Skills Earth Sciences


The making of videos is something that can be daunting at first. However, with the guidelines stated on this website and some practice, everyone can learn the skills to make a professional looking video. Videos can be a crucial and easy way to get your message across, not only to the general public, but also to your peers.

This website aims to provide concise guidelines and instructions for the preparation, recording and editing of scientific videos, with examples of do’s (in green) and don’ts (in red). Videos can take the form of a knowledge clip, animation or a narrative video, which all share some basic general ‘rules’, but feel free to be creative and deviate (somewhat).

Students are encouraged to use this document to structure and evaluate their videos. For teachers, this document may be useful to give consistent instructions, feedback and grades. Please note that all instructions should be interpreted as guidelines and not as absolute laws; because videos are a creative outing, feel free to be creative and deviate somewhat from the stated guidelines. In case you have ideas that clearly deviate from the guidelines, it is advised to consult your supervisor. All guidelines come together in a rubric at the end of this guide. Using this rubric, you can see if your own creative idea follows the guidelines.

This guide was made by Elisabeth Addink and Ewoud Cornelissen for Utrecht University students and can be downloaded in full here as PDF. Other useful documents are the declaration of consent to the use of photos, video and audio and a template for process report.